Well, we are back from the 4 days 3 nights CF camp, the only word we could used to describe the whole camp - Awesome!

We can see non-believers singing praises, ppls are touched by God and cried out before His throne. Worship sessions were good, God's presence was so wonderful moving around everyone. Each and everyone of us got touched, the impact is Great!
Monday (Day 1) 23th Apr

The first day, everyone was a bit distance as we do not know each other, some ppls have never known each other before the camp. However, after the dinner when we got into our group, the bond built up really fast. Ppl are enjoying and having fun forming group names and creating the funny cheers. We got The One, Fu-Yo Holicks, Be A Star, Morning Star, Lamers, Ka Boom, P.H.A.T 9 and Lucky no. 7. We have funny funny cheers and there comes Sarah Jane's split, and from then onwards the guys were so amazed by the split and the *split* thingy keep coming on and on. Lol it's really fun and funny to see a big group of ppl using the hands to do the split sign...
Tuesday (Day 2) 24th Apr

The next morning session 1, Pastor Sivin Kit was our invited speaker has done a wonderful sharing with us about how to engage ourselves, about knowing our strengths and weaknesses and how to Build on strengths and Work on our weaknesses. The song Who Am I was used as a tool to lead us into the message in understanding who we really are and where are we belongs to. It was really impactive, to listen and see how God use him to bless us. Many of us couldn't stop our tears when the Lord embraced us and telling me how much He loves us. A wonderful God He is, yesterday, today and forever! We are so glad that we are part of His Kingdom and one of His beloved children, what a wonderful privilege we have to worship the Almighty God Jesus the Lord! In the workshop session, Calvin Teh from AYA shared more in depth about the same topic after Pastor Sivin to further demonstrate how we shld do in applying the theory into our lives.
We had telematch games which we were required to go over the spider web one by one w/o touching the strings, passing the hula hoop with grp members holding hands standing in a circle and the last one was the crossing skipping rope w/o touching our body parts in 8 mins. It was fun when you see the grp members come and united together to score as much as they can. Later after all the hot games, many of us couldn't wait and next jump in the cooling chilling sea and have fun

it was really cool and fun.
The night session (session 2), the topic was about relationship that we have with friends, family and church. Pastor Sivin Kit used practical ways in showing us how important for us to link our lives to these three elements. Later on, Calvin add on to share about r/ship which open up many ppl's eyes to know about God's definition of relationship.
Wednesday (Day 3) 25th Apr

The 3rd day, morning we had session 3- engaging ourselves into the world after the worship session. It was really practical to learn about we, Individuals are circulated by the Church that's circular by the World. Pastor Sivin used the Father's Song in showing how much love God has for us before we know about Him or love Him. Many hearts were touched, many tears were shed for Him. Later on, altar call was done wonderfully. We saw ppls came up front asking for prayer, including ppls who wanna rededicated themselves to Christ, longing to seek Him and on the probation in entering His Kingdom. Awesome, really awesome!
After lunch and free time, we had telematch again which we were required to pass the water balloon to the member at the back one to one, and another puzzle game. Lastly, we had the very super killing game, tug of war that causes us to have blisters, cuts, and Zen almost black out after the 2nd time of playing. This is the game that create pains for us

, however, many enjoyed the game...
After dinner and wonderful Praise and Worship session, it was treasure hunt hour. We were asked to find enveloped that contained some Red and Yellow Keys with map from different different locations. Unexpectedly, the grp The One got the first place. Later on, we had a great time in the Drama session. Seeing many talented and lame ppls acting is fun and entertaining. None of us can ever stop laughing seeing the creative ppl acting in different roles.
Thursday (Day4) 26th Apr

The 4th morning, it's about time to pack our stuff to come back home. It was hard for all of us to leave one another after the 4 days 3 nights fellowship in PD. In the testimony session, ppl keep coming up to share about how they have experienced the camp and how much they were blessed through all the sessions and worship and fellowship. To the committee, these are a great encouragement after all the effort and tough times. Praise the Lord that it work out really well...
All the worship sessions were great too! Imagine ppls jumping for the Lord, and also times where ppl raising the hands and soak in God's presence. Awesome, that's the only word I could use! Definitely, all glory to the Lord as we know w/o His grace, all the touching scene could nv be seen. Things jz fall into place where it seems so impossible to coordinate the worship well. But by His grace and glory, it went really well... all the worship sessions are wonderfully done. Many souls got touched and many tears were shed due to the perfect love our God has.
It proved to all committee members, nothing is ever impossible cos everything is possible for God through prayer. Wonderful God, pray that the camp effect will continue to burn throughout our lives and will nv die after some time.
For those who did not make it for the camp, it's really a great loss. Try to join us next time and have a life changing experience!!!

-eva sam-