Wow. Last week was another great getting together again with everyone. This time we had "PLANT". Well, if you're wondering, what "PLANT" stands for, it's Planting Legacies Among New Trees. The theme had something to do with what we were having that meeting which was the introduction to this new sem's CG meetings. Last week's CF meeting began with a great worship session which was led by Bro Victor and the rest of the worship team. Then, our MC for that day took over the stage and she was no other than our very tiny yet LOUD one. SARA!!! (da CG Coordinator ) *claps*claps*. It was kinda short and simple time where she introduced briefly what we usually do in CG and sharing of testimonies from some old CG members. Then, the 3 CG leaders, Pris, Annitah, and Mark for this sem took charge of the games session. It was one chaotic game but I guess overall it was quite fun. Following was of coz the punishment session for those who didn't abide to the rules. kekekeke. But anyway, I think the so called punishment was the best part eh?

worship session (Iggy)
Sara da MC

Part of those who were punished.
(Eng Fui n Xin Ning) ngek ngek
Hey people of all ages( goong goong, poh poh also can), do remember to join us for TALK SHOW tommorrow!!
We have something very fresh and unique.
Invite your friends!!
Come and be blessed!!
See U there!!
God Bless!!
:) christine