Shall I say 'Great, its back to study once more.' or maybe 'Aww, give me another week.' . Tingling at the back of my head is this thought of having more time to play but at the same time not missing in studies. It's just a matter of a split second, once you sleep and then, the next morning, being rushed to college all over as routine. I wonder what would it be like to attend my first class again? Previously, was full of tiredness with the lecturer blabbering in front(some). Others probably was funny and nice, instilling more interest.
Ah, looking at it positively, I think its none more than enjoying studies, at least the choice of your course. Well, its going to start sooner or later, so I'll just look at it as sooner. Of course, I will like to give thanks once more to our Lord Jesus, for enabling me to continue in college. Thank you Lord. So lets view this as a wonderful oppurtunity to enjoy God's blessing. Well,studies is something good. Agree?
Here's a prayer to start our day...
Father God, I pray to you Lord that you have given so much to us. Thank you Lord that we are able to continue in college. Thank you Lord for giving us happy time and fulfillment as we go along today Lord. Thank you Lord for all our lovely friends that would greet us tomorrow morning Lord. THank you Lord for great lecturers. Thank you Lord for good concentration in class and in everything we do Lord. Most of all, thank you Lord that you have grant us enjoyment and happiness tomorrow Lord. Help us not to worry or be anxious on anything but give us strength to go through all things Lord. Thank you Jesus. In Jesus mighty Name. Amen
Yupz, cheer up. Remember ya, the up-coming events this week is the Casual meeting on this Friday from 1~3pm in Oasis, opposite Taylors. Do join us for wild entertainment. Oh ya, here's a view of our INTI CF bookmark. What do you think?

Cool ya? You want it, come get it, exclusively at room 104 on the 18th, May at 1~3pm. This bookmark is base on first come first serve basis.
So here's Victor, reporting to you live from ... my house? ... on the starting of the new Semester and news on ICF. Do join us next time.^^
Written by: Victor Lee