Hello Everybody!!
Sure is nice to see everyone back in ICF, isn't it? We hope every had a great time during the semester holidays!
As you know, last Friday was our very first week of ICF for the new semester. Just a few new changes compared to last sem. But first we had a fun ice breaker led by Sarah.

Ice Breakers!

THE perfect split
Which followed up with a refreshing worship session led by Brian Chong.

Worship session a la Brian
Next was the video preview created by our one and only Media Team!
If you missed the preview, here it is right here!!
As the video shows, our theme for this semester is called......*drum roll*....
FLAME ON- as our chairperson has mentioned, it represents our desire to reignite the passion in ourselves.
The video was followed up with our usual slide presentation and introduction of the committee for this semester.

"And here the raptured crowed sits in silence.."
We have new objectives this semester:
- Equipping Prayer Warriors
- Living out His word
- Bonding relationships

They're Bonding....awwww
We also have some new highlights this semester. The weekly meetings are as listed below:
12/9 Distinguish You
19/9 i268
26/9 Highly Flammable
3/10 Caution! Explosive
10/10 Wrap Up
17/10 His Way: The Light
This semester we would like to welcome 2 new cell group leaders and the continuation of 1 more other person!! Welcome Brian and David and welcome back Raymond! Anyone notice that ehy are all guys?? :P
In any case, cell group meetings are as listed below:
Monday 12-2p.m Raymond
Tuesday 2-4 p.m David
Thursday 12-2p.m Brian
1 of our newest "innovations" this semester is our new Prayerlicious! Okay, fine. So it's just another name for prayer meetings. It stills sounds waaayyyy cooler.
Prayerlicious times and venues and as listed below:
Monday 7.30a.m - Guard House Bench
Wednesday 2-4p.m - Room 213
Friday 7.30a.m - Guard house Bench
And finally, we go to the introduction of our new committee for this semester!
We would like to say our best goodbye's to our former committee members that have left us: Yih Herng and Anittah, and also our greatest welcome to our new committee members Sarah, Amy and Swee Vien!
In any case, the new committee is as listed below:
Chairperson: Christine Ong

Secretary: Swee Ling

Treasurer: Fiona Lai

Media and Publicity Coordinator: Nicholas Wong

Logistics Coordinator: Adrian Lee

Worship Coordinator: Swee Vien

Fellowship and CG Coordinator: Sarah Low

Prayer Coordinator: Amy Tan

Well thats basically it! We hope to keep seeing each and everyone one of you this semester!
And don't forget to show up for next week's meeting: i268!
See you next week!
-ICF Media Team-