Hello, everyone !!!! How was last week's CF meeting??? It's was great right!! I believe that it had touched many hearts and you're going to the CF Camp right ??? . All right this week we're gonna have a speaker also. I believe God is gonna use him to give everyone of us a great message. Praise God. Come with expectations. God is gonna meet all ur expectations. Amen
Time: 1pm-3pm
Date: 29/2/2008
So be there guys!!! More things to catch up with u guys. Bring along all your friends !!! we wanna see more ppl being blessed by God. God bless u
A message from Raymond
It's Camp Intro Week!!! What's so great about it? I also dunno. Haha.
Anyway, a video was shown to us as an introduction to the camp that is going to be held from 22nd April till 25th April 2008 at Cameron Highlands! *clap clap*
But the team ran into some technical difficulties in showing the video. We had to wait for a while till it was fixed. While waiting, Pricilla told us some really really cold and lame jokes. I still feel the coldness of it till now.
Anyway, the video was really really funny. Everyone had a great time laughing at it. I will try to get it uploaded here, somehow. The video led us to the 'Treasure Hunt' game. Members of ICF was divided into several groups with different clues. But all the clues ends with 'Two People', that is Priscilla and Jau.
It's quite a fun way of introducing us to this camp. They (Those two 'children', aka Priscilla and Jau) unveiled the half-made banner to all of the members. And thus introducing the camp too all of the members.
Let's hope this camp is a success and may God be with us always!
Random pictures for the day:
Discussion before action, that's wat we say "planning is important !"
Where's the treasure ???