13 Feb 2010

Handicapped Kids

3 Feb 2010, a group of ICF-ers had participated in this event. Just to clarify in case you're wondering why they are called as handicaps. They are not physically handicapped kids, but more to known as mentally slower than an usual person. E.g. A man who is aged 20 could have a mentality of a 5 years kid. Our God is a fair God. He is not bias and selective. As He has created EVERY one of us by his own image and given each of us a pure heart and a talent, no matter what race are we, what background we come from, what situation can it be, we should constantly LOVE each other just as He loves us.

A total of nearly 30 of them arrived. Some came with their own parents too. All of them were dressed up in a purple uniform. While waiting, we were sitting down and chatting with them. The event started at about 2 plus.

 They are on their way to the Computer Lab.

kid: HARLO!!!! May I speak to JAMIE pls?

Jamie: HI!!! The number that you're dialing, is currently unavailable, please try again later.

Kid: Miss Tania, all you need to do is..Step 1: Double click the program. Step 2..Step 3..Step 4...Understand?

Tania: Hmm...so EASY! TQTQ!


They performed a teh tarik joget. AWESOME effort done by them!

Some of us wrote a LOVE Letter for each of them and took a photo together.

We also played some games together with them. LOOK at their FACES!!!

A special thanks to SCE who organized this event.
TO: Jamie, Cally, Brit, Travis, Yukesan. You guys made an impact! Keep it UP!

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