I must say that today's session was something different. Interesting. Amazing. Personally, I learnt a few things be it from the Bible or just listening to people’s opinion. For those who attended CF today, I hope that you gained some insights about yourself and the opposite sex! :)
Well, CF started off with a game conducted by our game master of the day – Mr. Mark Hwang! (a.k.a. Indon-Indian – inside joke:D) It was a pretty interesting game. Difficult to explain the game but it involves eating and hurting one another’s forearms! Hahah…It was definitely fun la..
We were divided into 2 groups - guys and girls. Apparently, the girls couldn’t carry out the game well, they forgo-ed it! Ishhhh!!! Hahaha. Anyway, we managed to look for the opposite-of-win team! And, we had a on-the-spot-hand-picked group leader! He was to eat the remaining Twisties while his group members carried him upside down!. Poor Iggy Goh.. You should’ve seen his face! Super red!
After the game, we had an amazing time worshiping God. I myself was taken aback by the worship team. They did great though there is still room for improvement. But all in all, kudos people! And nothing beats the fact that it was God, who was leading the team. Awesome!
We then had an ‘ice-breaker’ session done by the FES people, Joshua and Adrene. They did a great job with that. We were all laughing our heads off. And you could see people like Iggy Charles, Joshua Kok, and more who were the usual upfront people, trying to hide behind everyone else, to avoid questions from Adrene. Hilarious!
Here are some of the questions asked:
Are you single?
Do people date for fun?
Are you desperate?
Is it possible for a guy and a girl to be the best of friends without being in a relationship?
Is it ok to date a few people before marriage?
Do you think marriage is important?
People get married because they have nothing better to do. (yes?no?maybe?)
Are girls complicated?
Are guys too relaxed?
Do you want to get married?
And many more :D
Anyway, after the so-called ice breaker, Joshua spoke a lil’ on WHAT MAN and WOMAN is, and used the Bible for reference (Genesis 1).
Later, we separated the guys and girls into 2 different rooms. The girls stayed and the guys moved to the next room. We had about 15 girls so we sat in a circle, and we started sharing our thoughts and views on different aspects of a teenage girl's life. Well, I definitely cannot tell u in detail, what we discussed about. But it definitely covered the topics on BOYS, relationships, and dressing. We got to know each other’s perspective on certain topics. It was pretty interesting. I had a good time listening :)
And we, being typical girls, ended late! Haha…Why typical girls? Don’t u know, girls, in general, can talk AND listen well? :D (Btw, I’m not a sexist ok!) ;) ;)
Anyway, we ended CF with a song “Better Than Life” and an altar call for those who needed prayer.
Oh, what about the guys, u ask? Come visit this site again, next week! Andrew will explain more about it to u! :)
Anyway, I don’t have much to say anymore. So, I shall let the pictures do the talking!
The Girls in Action!

Guys?! (will always be guys! *shake head*)

The supposedly PINK-GUYS!
Well, there are more pictures. Visit http://www.icf-pics.blogspot.com/ to view more of 'em! :)
God Bless You!
Have a great Week! ;)
Kimberley, Over(whelmed by God) and Out!