The session started off with an old favourite or rather traditional icebreaker called Switch where injustice was done when I was picked "randomly" to be the center person. For those who are new to the game I shall explain to you. The game involves people switching chairs with your neighbors and the flow changes everytime the game master said "switch". The center person will have to quickly find a chair before it gets taken. Fun huh? Then the person who did not switch his chair (depending on the flow) will have to take the center spot. I am proud to say that I survived that game. MUAHAHAHA!!!
Worship session led by simon yau, annitah and agnes was great. Guess there was no uniformity in colors this week. haha...should try purple. it makes you stand out. Just kidding.
Pastor Mark was the speaker of the day and he is one funny guy who answers to ananth/mark depending who is calling him. HAHA!! He brought forward points that gives you a nudge and tell you to wake up (my personal opininon) He also mentioned what does it mean being under God's lordship. Powerful stuff. There is plenty more he mentioned but I don't think I can type it all here but fortunately there are videos. So do not fret. It will be uploaded soon.
C ya this coming Friday. :)
7 years ago
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