31 Mar 2009
In conjunction with this Friday's CF, we're gonna have makan and fellowship at the end..SO..If you wanna bring any food, or if you wanna cook and let us try your delicious cookin, pls feel free to bring yeah!
ANYTHING will do...if you wanna bring mee hoon,or spaghetti, or nuggets? or french fries..Anything lah we'll be more than happy to try your cooking!
Take care!
27 Mar 2009
How was your day??Great?Awesome?
Today, ICF was again different! Woahhh...Well, we wanna make things exciting and fun right??So, we've gotta be different with surprises!heehe
We started of with a round of icebreaker..First, Swee Vien paired the members and passed them a piece of newspaper. Then, she asked them to find words from the newspaper..!(haha.sorry guys, actually it was just a trick..in conjunction with April's Fool!lol)
See the people finding real hard?haha
We continued with our guest speaker of today..A Korean Pastor, Ps. Paul Kim who has been living in Malaysia for the past 10 years. He shared on our purpose living on this earth.(Mark 13:13) The 3 S prblems that we face..!. Separation from God, Sin and Satan..and how to solve these problems..And our purpose as Christians is to share the Word of God to others who have yet to hear and receive it.
Well, Next week is our LAST CF of this semester..! Bittersweet feeling for everyone as some will be leaving us!But nevertheless, we're gonna have a grand celebration..it's FAREWELL and THANKSGIVING.. So, if you wanna thank God for whatever He has done for this whole sem, come and share with us! Next week, 3/04/09 same time 1-3pm, same place SOLLA block B room 209..So do come yeah!We're gonna have a small makan also...SEE you THEN!!
26 Mar 2009
Smart, I am
Just a quick update on last week's CF. We had a totally different session cos we had BIBLE QUIZ for the 1st time in CF history!!haha
CF started with praise and worship led by Brian. Simple , yet powerful!
So,before I began with how the quiz was..let's give a big round of applause to the 2 masterminds..kecil tapi sangattt licik!haha..Swee Ling and Fiona!!
Alright, here's how it goes..There were 2 rounds of the quiz.. Individuals and Groups.
For the individual round, the game was played like the "poison ball" game? Where the ball is passed around and once the music stops, the person holding the ball is suppose to answer the quiz..EHhhh..wait..it's 2 paper balls actually!!So 2 person will answer the quiz..
21 Mar 2009
Just feel like showing all of you this picture..Got it from my ex school's CF.

So, if you ever feel discourage or troubled, remember that Jesus loves you. Yes, and that's why He asked us to cast all our anxieties on Him becos He cares for us.
And, if you ever feel that maybe sometimes your prayers aren't answered or if you ever feel that God is not near you, well, He did assure us in Hebrews 13:5b that "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you". Pray and ask God for peace.That's the best we can do right?And of cos trust and believe that He'll answer our prayers at the right time.
Well, I hope this post has encourage you in one way or another to stop worrying and start believing. Let's make the impossible possible, aight?Let's expect the unexpected!
JESUS REALLY LOVES YOU. It's a matter of you accepting this promise.
14 Mar 2009
HEllo once again! If you're wondering how come this few days got alot of updated post ahh, it's becos we had lotsa exciting activites these few dayss...
Yes, as you can see on the title, today, ICF visited Crisis home in OKR.
We started of the day with a super duper short briefing by Ms. President in college. There were 18 of us who went!!SO, for those who missed it out...too badd..too sad...Join us next sem kay?hehe
Well, many of you might probably have the perception that HIV infected people are harmful people, But we can seriously tell you(cos we saw it with our own eyes!!) that they're not. The people we met there, approx 12ppl were probably one of the most friendliest people you have ever met.
See-ing the smiles on their faces that there are people out there who cares for them really really really brightened up our day!
Next, we had a cheerful praise and worship led by our Ms. Worship Coordinator..She sang Hari Ini and Soraklah haleluya( in 3 diff languages!!) and the people there were really singing their hearts out!With actions somemoree!!haha
We should really really reach out to this people for most of them have been isolated by the world out there. Go make a difference in their lives! Show them that you care for them becos God also cares for everyone, yes everyone-regardless of who we are and what we may have gone thru. Yes, that includes all u readers!!
So, if you havent, start to take this step of faith and serve the Lord thru this ministry(reaching out) and you'll be amazed to see how many lives God can touch thru this.
See you guys next week in CF..We've something special up for you guys!!So, why not come?You won't loose anything..( think you'll lose your friends??Nah, you'll gain more I guess..Think you'll fail in your test??Nah, pray and ask God to help you if you've studied hard..Think it's boring???NAHH..it's definitely not a waste of time!!!Come and see!)so...WHY NOT COME?haha..I'll see you then!
YOU, yes, YOU are invited to stopover @OASIS
Ya all must be wondering what's this OASIS all bout right?
Opened every Mondays to Thursdays
It's a place ...
How to get to this happening place??
2nd floor above of IDP, right opposite of Taylors College. Look for number 18 or the small sign board "bookstore HQ".
See it's just around the corner of our college.
Our weekly P.U.S.H is held here.
Wednesday 1-3pm.
Come Join Us n let us all be prayer warriors for the Lord
A very Big Thank U to FES for providing this awesome place for us students
Hope to see U around :) Godbless
12 Mar 2009
Video andd trip to HIV home!
Here's the link to the video mentioned in the earlier post..Check it out!!
and and.. INTI CF is organising a trip to visit a HIV centre this Saturday..
I know it's a lil too late for the information but if you still feel like coming, do let the commitee know yeah?By tomorrow?or really, Saturday morning?
Details bout the visit
Date: 14th March2009
Time: 10.00am-1.30pm
Place: Crisis Home, Old Klang Road.
Price: RM5 per person ($$ will be used to buy food for the centre)
please be in college latest by 9.45am on Sat cos there'll be a short briefing on this trip before we go..
See you guys in CF TOMORROW!Ever wonder whether ghosts really do exist in this world?Come and find out!!Cf starts at 1pm and is currently at block b room 209!( walk down starbucks)
Til then!Take care guys!
6 Mar 2009
Indeed God's presence truly filled our Cf room today. Well, for those of you who are still wondering why, it's becos we had our High Praise of Semester 09!!
We had an amazing one-half hour of TOTAL praise and worship!!Different, eh?
We started off with catchy praise songs led by Brian Chow! Songs like Tell the World, All Day and One Way were sung. Okay, this week, the members were really really really responsive..!
Everyone was jumpin and praisin' the Lord!
Well, just a question to ask. What is the purpose of worshipping God? Why do we worship Him?Think about it.. Think about what He has done for us that deserves our praise..=)
After that, we had a short time of prayer where we gathered into groups of two's and three's to pray for one another. Great time to encourage people to pray!!
Well, that sums the day..Bottom line, it was a really great and enjoyable time to praise God together with everyone! So, for those who missed it..Wellll..Guess you should not miss it the next one?haha..
We wanna thank the whole praise and worship team for such a great job!
DON't Miss out Next WEEK cos we have another special Speaker comin!! We're gonna hear something bout...ooOOOoooo...wanna know what's this?Do come!!See you then!!Cheers!