Indeed God's presence truly filled our Cf room today. Well, for those of you who are still wondering why, it's becos we had our High Praise of Semester 09!!
We had an amazing one-half hour of TOTAL praise and worship!!Different, eh?
We started off with catchy praise songs led by Brian Chow! Songs like Tell the World, All Day and One Way were sung. Okay, this week, the members were really really really responsive..!
Everyone was jumpin and praisin' the Lord!
Well, just a question to ask. What is the purpose of worshipping God? Why do we worship Him?Think about it.. Think about what He has done for us that deserves our praise..=)
After that, we had a short time of prayer where we gathered into groups of two's and three's to pray for one another. Great time to encourage people to pray!!
Well, that sums the day..Bottom line, it was a really great and enjoyable time to praise God together with everyone! So, for those who missed it..Wellll..Guess you should not miss it the next one?haha..
We wanna thank the whole praise and worship team for such a great job!
DON't Miss out Next WEEK cos we have another special Speaker comin!! We're gonna hear something bout...ooOOOoooo...wanna know what's this?Do come!!See you then!!Cheers!
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