21 Mar 2009


Hey guys!
Just feel like showing all of you this picture..Got it from my ex school's CF.
Do you know that God love's you?Do you know that He actually, willingly sent His One and Only Precious Beloved Son whom He love soooo much to die on the cross for our sins?The wrong things that we did or are going to do?

So, if you ever feel discourage or troubled, remember that Jesus loves you. Yes, and that's why He asked us to cast all our anxieties on Him becos He cares for us.

And, if you ever feel that maybe sometimes your prayers aren't answered or if you ever feel that God is not near you, well, He did assure us in Hebrews 13:5b that "Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you". Pray and ask God for peace.That's the best we can do right?And of cos trust and believe that He'll answer our prayers at the right time.

Well, I hope this post has encourage you in one way or another to stop worrying and start believing. Let's make the impossible possible, aight?Let's expect the unexpected!

JESUS REALLY LOVES YOU. It's a matter of you accepting this promise.

This verse says it all=)


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