30 May 2009

Friendship DAY

HIYA Everyone! Yesterday we had our very on "Friendship Day"!

Afte some light worship, our PIC, Angeline started off with some introductions. We had quite a few new members yesterday and we got to know a little more about them.

"Hi, Im new"
After that, Angeline led us in a game similar to "Blow Wind Blow". Usual chaos ensued coupled with laughter.

Next, we started to get down to real buisness. we started to seperate ourselves into 2 groups. The 2 groups represent the 2 cell groups that are going to be held starting from next week onwards.

Lastly, we ended the meeting with a group game called "Charades".

A day of joy ended the way it began- with fun and laughter. That is "Friendship Day".

1 comment:

Jayadev said...

Friendship day is the right occasion to celebrate your friendship.Send these friendship day cards and love to your friends and celebrate the spirit of friendship day lets celebrate it..