17 Oct 2007
Heeps of fun coming up!
Yeah ppl REVOLUTION is over. AND know we r off to our very own Final meeting for this Sem. mm. It doesn't mean there is no more meeting, we r surely gonna meet off n on for makan n stuff. But this is more to the formal meeting. So guys remember get all ur friends!!!
This weeek there is food!!!
SO stay on!!
We r gonna hav a great praise & worship session. So ppl note this down.
Friday the 19th of October 2007
1pm-3plus plus aiyak till night lah
LH 3
Not to be missed!!1
SO cya there!!!!!!
8 Oct 2007
Sorry for not updating in a while.
Well, we're back now. Muahahahaha.
And Yes, yes last week was a blast once again. We had our Pre-Revo meeting in room 306-307. Last Friday's meeting kick started with a really awesome worship which was led by team Planet Shakers Malaysia.*drum rolls*. We were all then challenged by sister Priscilla(Ps Ken's wife) to give our very best offering we could to sow into the Revo Rally. Last but not least, we had Ps Ken who was our guest speaker for the day to impart God's word to us and I believe the word spoken that day was a definitely an impacting one to all of us.
As for you people who had missed it, it's alright. But, make sure u do come for this Sat's Revolution Rally. Counting down... only 5 more days to go. Remember to bring your friends that day. U named it, it's gonna be BIG, HUGE, EXTRAORDINARY, HAPPENING and our Iggy's fav word... AWESOME. Let's all get revived to see a revolution among the young people in Klang Valley this sat. Don't, DON'T miss out. wooohooo.
By the way, some shots from last week's CF meeting...
(cool yea the Transformers t-shirt)
So, that's all for now...
Till next time...
: ) christine
16 Sept 2007
A totally crazy meeting for a totally New Semester. wE HAD AN AWesome meeting last friday. wITH lOTS oF fOOD!!!!!! hERE gOES tHE wELCOMING aCTS bEFORE aN aWESOME tiME oF rOCKING pRAISE aND wORSHIP!!
10 Sept 2007
ROcking BEginning
It's been quite sometime since our last meeting. holidays are over and finally we r back to college. this sem is gonna be stressfull for many but for some its gonna be a free time. But no worries ppl God is there to lead u no matter watever situation u maybe in.
It's a great privellage to serve together in the committee. The whole committee has planned great meeting for this sem with the help of GOd. But above all i urge each and everyone of u to pray n seek for the touch of God in this ministry. man can only plan but God does it!!
Signing offfffffzzzzzzzzzzzz,
Be assured that when u meet this people you are well-entertained and they are really friendly people. So what's up this semester. Biggest happening of all is, Revolution Rally, that will be held soon on the Oct 13. This is a big event where we will see a big change in our community, people turning to God and having God as their center focus in life.
As for CF weekly activities, come and check it out, there is something installed that will excite you and benefit you each week. Come see this time as a time of relaxation, being poised and ready to be on the moved for more.
And of course, bring your friends along. CF is a place of fellowship not only yourself, but if you do come alone, feel free join us... seek any of the committee and they will tell you more of our community.
Thats all for news update at 1.11 am. I'm Victor reporting you live from my house(of course). Join us this friday and check out the blog for more updates in the coming week. Thank you and good night.
4 Aug 2007
Last CF Of The Semester
Now for the EMO part...feel quite sad that some of our members will be leaving soon. Time sure flies when you are having fun. Now its time to say good bye...sigh... I wanna thank all those who will be leaving soon for the great memories especially those memories from camp. Take care and continue shining for God wherever u go. :)
30 Jul 2007
Yup, you heard it RIGHT its ITCHY, oops sorry iggy I mean. Alright fine, he doesn't have all the "Reverend Pastor Dr. Bishop High Priest Pope ...." watsoever but who knows, he might be one. Anyway, he preached about salvation. Preaching to us that God is here, all we need is just to believe(quoted from John3.16). Well, he did acted like a preacher, good impression.
Worship was awesome too, though me , my guitar when semitone out of tune(confirmed by simon). Haihz, how disappointing about me. The pianist even realise but tot i was right. But the songs were cool don't you think for those who have attend? I'm Yours by planetshakers was awesomely sang.
Coming up on this week friday, the one and ONLY .............
last CF
...... haihz.... sad right, it all got to pause here. Pause not stop for it shall continue next sem
So do make your way to room 104 this friday at 1~3pm. Be reminded that you might want to join our makan session right after CF for an hour or two. Be a part of us and join us k ... c ya
22 Jul 2007
Durian, CF and start of challenge!!!!
Well just some tips on clearing Durian smell IF AND ONLY IF you don't like it. I usually keep the smell as remembrance for as long as it can be.
K here it is. Let water flow through the Durian husk and wash your hands underneath the husk where the water flows. Thats to remove the smell from your hands. The mouth, gargle salt water and then take some in. Trust me, this works.!!! I tried before but regret because the smell is GONE!!!! haihz... haha
Alright, way of topic, anyway preacher was from City Church KL. Wonderful testimony of his own on how he made his life interesting, leaning and depending on God. 3 days was all he need in considering all important decision. I bet most of us will ponder and ponder and worry till the brain juice squash out but he delightfully enjoy himself and get outstanding results better and out of expectation. Yea besides that he also shared how to make important decisions.
So enjoyable that we listen till past 3(supposed to end that time). Well ya, later on, I could tell many were so concentrated that when they wake up they have some sort of butt cramp haha... just joking. Truthfully, it was exciting.
Therefore, come this week, Friday 1~3pm at room 104, INTI COLLEGE SUBANG JAYA, and enjoy unexpected fun.
Before I end, let just think of tomorrow. Classes start, meet lecturers and friends especially if you find the boring and annoying, start of work and headache, start of troubles, isn't that just sooooo sad...
too bad for you cause I, choose to look at it this way classes start of course, meet lecturers and friends and make them livelier, lol just joking. I don't think I have friends like that. Start of challenge instead of work and headache, which also means to tighten the bond with lecturers as I as them questions, which will end my troubles, isn't that just sweeeetttt....
See what a total contrast of mine to yours? Therefore, I challenge you look at things on the positive side and see how things work out...
For more information, do call Iggy at 03-7552525. LoL ok? alright set.... haha ok ok dun call thats not a real number.
Ok see you this week. smilez. =)
10 Jul 2007
hey people
so ppl be there!! be sure to meet our old cf'ers. have fun peeps....
God bless!!!!!
24 Jun 2007
Kingdom Culture
Worship session led by simon yau, annitah and agnes was great. Guess there was no uniformity in colors this week. haha...should try purple. it makes you stand out. Just kidding.
Pastor Mark was the speaker of the day and he is one funny guy who answers to ananth/mark depending who is calling him. HAHA!! He brought forward points that gives you a nudge and tell you to wake up (my personal opininon) He also mentioned what does it mean being under God's lordship. Powerful stuff. There is plenty more he mentioned but I don't think I can type it all here but fortunately there are videos. So do not fret. It will be uploaded soon.
C ya this coming Friday. :)
17 Jun 2007
Girl Talk, Guy Talk :)
As usual, Mark came up with a rather interesting icebreaker which requires plenty of brawn, an area where the girls are quite challenged. Guys on the other hand had too much brawn which resulted in Iggy Goh having to eat yummy Twisties upside down. Wow!!! I hope you have the pictures Kimberley. HAHA!!
The worship session was awesome. It reminded me again how God was always there in times of trouble and need. I would like to comment the worship team for a job well done. God delights in the praises of his people so lets keep on improving to serve him better.
Adrene(hope I am spelling it right) kicked off the session with a question and answer icebreaker which is rather fun especially seeing your friends picking between yes, no and maybe in response to the questions given. All of us had a great time of laughter. The guys later relocated to room 103 with Joshua to have our "heart to heart talk" while the girls remained in room 104 with Adrene.
The sessions we had in the guys side were educational and I am quite sure it is the same in the girls side. I am going to reveal a little bit of what we discussed(since there is no censorship board here...MUAHAHAHA!) We discussed everything from relationships and it's challenges, commitments (supposedly every guys nightmare...girls any problem?), boundaries, how God should be the center of the relationship, respect and much more. We also have short debates about different opinions and viewed relationships in both spiritual and logical point of view.
I had a wonderful time and I believe those who attended would have to. I hope to see all of you this Friday. We are going to have another awesome time. Tata!
15 Jun 2007
GIRLS?! and GUYS?!!
Well, CF started off with a game conducted by our game master of the day – Mr. Mark Hwang! (a.k.a. Indon-Indian – inside joke:D) It was a pretty interesting game. Difficult to explain the game but it involves eating and hurting one another’s forearms! Hahah…It was definitely fun la..
We were divided into 2 groups - guys and girls. Apparently, the girls couldn’t carry out the game well, they forgo-ed it! Ishhhh!!! Hahaha. Anyway, we managed to look for the opposite-of-win team! And, we had a on-the-spot-hand-picked group leader! He was to eat the remaining Twisties while his group members carried him upside down!. Poor Iggy Goh.. You should’ve seen his face! Super red!
After the game, we had an amazing time worshiping God. I myself was taken aback by the worship team. They did great though there is still room for improvement. But all in all, kudos people! And nothing beats the fact that it was God, who was leading the team. Awesome!
We then had an ‘ice-breaker’ session done by the FES people, Joshua and Adrene. They did a great job with that. We were all laughing our heads off. And you could see people like Iggy Charles, Joshua Kok, and more who were the usual upfront people, trying to hide behind everyone else, to avoid questions from Adrene. Hilarious!
Here are some of the questions asked:
Are you single?
Do people date for fun?
Are you desperate?
Is it possible for a guy and a girl to be the best of friends without being in a relationship?
Is it ok to date a few people before marriage?
Do you think marriage is important?
People get married because they have nothing better to do. (yes?no?maybe?)
Are girls complicated?
Are guys too relaxed?
Do you want to get married?
And many more :D
Anyway, after the so-called ice breaker, Joshua spoke a lil’ on WHAT MAN and WOMAN is, and used the Bible for reference (Genesis 1).
Later, we separated the guys and girls into 2 different rooms. The girls stayed and the guys moved to the next room. We had about 15 girls so we sat in a circle, and we started sharing our thoughts and views on different aspects of a teenage girl's life. Well, I definitely cannot tell u in detail, what we discussed about. But it definitely covered the topics on BOYS, relationships, and dressing. We got to know each other’s perspective on certain topics. It was pretty interesting. I had a good time listening :)
And we, being typical girls, ended late! Haha…Why typical girls? Don’t u know, girls, in general, can talk AND listen well? :D (Btw, I’m not a sexist ok!) ;) ;)
Anyway, we ended CF with a song “Better Than Life” and an altar call for those who needed prayer.
Oh, what about the guys, u ask? Come visit this site again, next week! Andrew will explain more about it to u! :)
Anyway, I don’t have much to say anymore. So, I shall let the pictures do the talking!
The Girls in Action!
Guys?! (will always be guys! *shake head*)
The supposedly PINK-GUYS!
Well, there are more pictures. Visit http://www.icf-pics.blogspot.com/ to view more of 'em! :)
God Bless You!
Have a great Week! ;)
Kimberley, Over(whelmed by God) and Out!
11 Jun 2007
F.U.N. fun? wo hooo
It started with a prayer led by Victor(me). Followed by the worship session led by Kimberley.
Problems do arises most of the time. Ya, we had problem with the lcd projector. Thank God it is functioning while the songs are played. It had worried me since I am not able to settle that problem, moreover I had to set up the guitar to play.
Worship was practically awesome though musicians made mistakes. I did gosh embarassing. Anyway, the atmosphere was great. Everyone seems to be on cloud 9 ... haha okay thats just to resemble how we enjoy being in God's presence.
Games. First game, it has no name, but here's how it goes. Everyone is divided into three groups. Each groups contains 10 people, according to that day. the game goes when the game master says a number one after each. What the participants have to do is to, stand up according to the number. The number after each number represents the number of people that has to stand after the previous number of people has stand. Fun and exciting but this game is hard to control with only one person to oversee all.
Next would be the fashion show with newspaper and cellophan tape. Each group is given two 'theSun' newspaper and a cellowphan tape. What is needed is to dress up two models and then present them with a theme and some explanation. It ended up that many has high level of creativity designing the two models.
There are prizes for winning team. Prizes of chocolates. lolz...
Alright to conclude, it was really wonderful. Check out this weeks theme and activities."Guy Girl Talk" ... interesting?
Then come join us at INTI COLLEGE 1~3pm at room 104... C ya then.
3 Jun 2007
F1!!! Vrrrrooooommmm
It Fellowship First... theme for the previous friday CF... Awesome it was.. as Ps. Ryan shared the essence of our CF... Ingredients...
1. The whole packet of Trust
2. A whole bottle of Love
3. err i forgot can someone remind me?
Games conducted by Mark earlier of the meeting made everyone getting started to worship. Worship yea.. lead by Simon was awesomely done. Beautiful as it was, many enjoyed it... God's presence was just beautiful... beyond words can tell.
The atmosphere was great. Prayer by our president, Mr. Iggy or itchy or igu or watever presented a prayer followed by pastor himself. It ended with a praise song... For All You've Done... cool song go download!!! haha
Recruitment was done ... and it seems we have many music talents... good good... haha
Alright, thats all for now ... bringing you live from my house of course... news from CF... Be right back err one week later for new updates. ^^
26 May 2007
Prayer Request
While we are enjoying our good lives here.. remember not to forget to keep others in prayer oh!
Prayer Request:-
Jonathan Lee (IIUC ICF president)
His mother is suspected to have cancerous cells in her breast (not confirm yet)...
Pls keep the family in prayer that nothing will ever shaken their faith and pray that the Lord will continue to grant them strength in facing any situation...
Thanks for your time!
God bless!!!!
-eva sam-
20 May 2007
Let's look it the positive way
Bad view: Oh no!!! beginning of homework due beginning of boring lecture, beginning of work, beginning of seeing people you want to ignore?, and beginning of so many things you can ever complain off.
Nah, viewing this way is ONLY GOING TO MAKE YOUR LIFE MORE MISERABLE. Why? Look on the to the brighter side where the sun is shinning giving a HOPE where everything is bright and clear and eyes begin to blink to the bright glaring sun. Cut all these
Right and gOOd view: Wow! I get to meet my friends once again. I get to improve my relationship with the lecture or maybe eat with them. I get to learn new stuff for we are ever learning. I get to even eat lunch with people in the afternoon rather than own lunch at home. I get to go to OASIS. LoL. I get to see CF people get along better, supporting each other. I get more chances to share good news when opportunity arises. I get to ... bla bla bla...
As you can see its never going to end with when you look on the positive side as GOD as always ask us to. Take this as a commandment and throw all problems away. See things as though they are not and you might even enjoy many wonderful things in bad circumstances.
Take this as a challenge, why not, set a goal to say "thank you" to your lecturer(if you do not practise this). See how is it feels or how does the lecturer react towards it. Another, whenever someone comes to you and say, "DIE LOR"... reply to them "LIVE LOR". LoL. nah juz joking. You can do it if you want but tell them to view things the positive side.
Yes, its hard as we don't look to the positive side in bad situations but it you want you can. I'm not saying I can but I am learning to.
Alrights just to keep updating this and post something up so that you all may read. And so that Eva don't come bugging me to update this. I'll try do often updates kayz.... Committee pls help do so too. haha
Okayz, c ya *winks*
Prepared by: Media Master Victor Lee
19 May 2007
First CF meeting!!!
It was a great day. Everyone was rushing here and there for some purpose. Some carrying amplifiers. Some practising in oasis. Some just look around. Yups, it was something happening that week.
So much so that the fun continues till time passes so quickly. It was 1.45pm when praise and worship started. Awesome worship don't you think? Pretty out of expectation though when slow songs came in fast. Especially for 'Who am I?' and 'Still'. It was wonderful, truly was a nice worship.
Now comes one of everyones favourite part. CAMP VIDEO!!!. A review of a camp that has recently pass sure keep many wondering, "How I wish the camp continues?". Too bad it has to end. Nothing lasts forever in this world. Thanks a bunch, or a million, maybe billion, erm, I guess a trillion will do to our movie maker, Andrew. You will get to see his face in the later in the blog. Well successful and wonderfully done!.
Here comes the introduction for the new committees for this semester. I, Victor have created the slides for the committee this semester. Pretty cool combinations of committee. They are ...
From left, going counter clockwise - Ai Mei, Andrew, Ignatius, Eva, Ian, Adrian, Elaine and Victor. The two girls in the middle are Kimberley and Sarah Jane.
Many enjoyed the session. Running out of time , we just run through some few anouncements regarding budgets for the semester and cell groups.
Logistics - Adrian
Publicity - Sarah Jane
Worship - Eva
Media - Victor
So as for Up-Coming Activities, 24 May Fun Nite with IIUC(INTI Nilai) and June 16, Alumni Gathering(a gathering for the old and new to reunite). Its gonna be fun!!!!
Alrights, thats all for now. C ya in the next meeting~
Remember to come Every Friday, 1-3pm in Room 104 Oh! We will be there
Written by: Victor Lee
Edited by: Eva Sam
11 May 2007
Casual meeting Day
Great meeting today, didn't we have fun?? Good to see many of u all enjoying. how was the food ppl? victor did a great job. he was the person who organised this meeting.
alright ppl as u all know next friday will be our official meeting in college. it's at LECTURE HALL 3. same time 1pm to 3pm. would be glad to c all of you'll.
ICF fun night in IIUC is postponed, you people will be informed next friday in CF. Have fun people. ROCK ON!!!! God bless!!!
10 May 2007
Reminder: Casual Meeting
Do not forget our very fun day Casual Meeting on tmr Friday 11th May Oh...
We, Bunch of funny ppls will be waiting for u guys to have fun with us in Oasis.
Posters are posted around Inti College compound. Pls check out where Oasis is and do bring along your nametag that you've gotten in the ICF camp oh! We could not guarantee that you will have a fantastic meal here, BUT, we are sure that YOU sure will have great fun!
Come and bug us...
See u there!
-eva sam-
7 May 2007
Welcome new Sem?
Shall I say 'Great, its back to study once more.' or maybe 'Aww, give me another week.' . Tingling at the back of my head is this thought of having more time to play but at the same time not missing in studies. It's just a matter of a split second, once you sleep and then, the next morning, being rushed to college all over as routine. I wonder what would it be like to attend my first class again? Previously, was full of tiredness with the lecturer blabbering in front(some). Others probably was funny and nice, instilling more interest.

Written by: Victor Lee
30 Apr 2007
Camp Photo compilation
Hey ppl out there,
We are going to compile all the camp photos to put it into a folder. So, pls do contact Andrew at 016-3692955 or mail to him at genx_factor@hotmail.com asap, he will compile everything and choose the best shots for camp photo video. Thanks!
Pls submit before 13th May 2007 (sunday) so that we will be able to bring the final video over to ICM for the Fun Night on 17th May.
Thanks for your cooperation...
Have a blessed new semester!
Upcoming Events!
Hey wonderful ppl,
A new semester is approaching, the committee has planned many fun events for ya to join and rejoice with us!
Miss the ICM (now we call IIUC) ppl? Come along with us to have fun with them again. Those who are interested in joining pls fill in the liability form during the Casual Meeting in Oasis... This time, IIUC CF will organise sorts of activities and games, so now it's our turn to sit back and relax... yeay!
Do not feel awkward or anything if you did not join our camp, just come along and have FUN!!!!
Hope to see u guys in all these days... of course our CF meeting will start only after 18th May, same venue (Room 104), same time (1-3pm) and same ppl (we la.. the crazy and lame ppls...)
Take good care and really hope to see u guys soon... miss ya!
God Bless!
Written by: Eva Sam
Back from ICF camp 2007

We can see non-believers singing praises, ppls are touched by God and cried out before His throne. Worship sessions were good, God's presence was so wonderful moving around everyone. Each and everyone of us got touched, the impact is Great!

Tuesday (Day 2) 24th Apr
We had telematch games which we were required to go over the spider web one by one w/o touching the strings, passing the hula hoop with grp members holding hands standing in a circle and the last one was the crossing skipping rope w/o touching our body parts in 8 mins. It was fun when you see the grp members come and united together to score as much as they can. Later after all the hot games, many of us couldn't wait and next jump in the cooling chilling sea and have fun

The night session (session 2), the topic was about relationship that we have with friends, family and church. Pastor Sivin Kit used practical ways in showing us how important for us to link our lives to these three elements. Later on, Calvin add on to share about r/ship which open up many ppl's eyes to know about God's definition of relationship.
The 3rd day, morning we had session 3- engaging ourselves into the world after the worship session. It was really practical to learn about we, Individuals are circulated by the Church that's circular by the World. Pastor Sivin used the Father's Song in showing how much love God has for us before we know about Him or love Him. Many hearts were touched, many tears were shed for Him. Later on, altar call was done wonderfully. We saw ppls came up front asking for prayer, including ppls who wanna rededicated themselves to Christ, longing to seek Him and on the probation in entering His Kingdom. Awesome, really awesome!
After lunch and free time, we had telematch again which we were required to pass the water balloon to the member at the back one to one, and another puzzle game. Lastly, we had the very super killing game, tug of war that causes us to have blisters, cuts, and Zen almost black out after the 2nd time of playing. This is the game that create pains for us

After dinner and wonderful Praise and Worship session, it was treasure hunt hour. We were asked to find enveloped that contained some Red and Yellow Keys with map from different different locations. Unexpectedly, the grp The One got the first place. Later on, we had a great time in the Drama session. Seeing many talented and lame ppls acting is fun and entertaining. None of us can ever stop laughing seeing the creative ppl acting in different roles.
The 4th morning, it's about time to pack our stuff to come back home. It was hard for all of us to leave one another after the 4 days 3 nights fellowship in PD. In the testimony session, ppl keep coming up to share about how they have experienced the camp and how much they were blessed through all the sessions and worship and fellowship. To the committee, these are a great encouragement after all the effort and tough times. Praise the Lord that it work out really well...
All the worship sessions were great too! Imagine ppls jumping for the Lord, and also times where ppl raising the hands and soak in God's presence. Awesome, that's the only word I could use! Definitely, all glory to the Lord as we know w/o His grace, all the touching scene could nv be seen. Things jz fall into place where it seems so impossible to coordinate the worship well. But by His grace and glory, it went really well... all the worship sessions are wonderfully done. Many souls got touched and many tears were shed due to the perfect love our God has.
It proved to all committee members, nothing is ever impossible cos everything is possible for God through prayer. Wonderful God, pray that the camp effect will continue to burn throughout our lives and will nv die after some time.
For those who did not make it for the camp, it's really a great loss. Try to join us next time and have a life changing experience!!!

-eva sam-
24 Mar 2007
More updates
People of God we had High praise last week n it was great. Praise God to see lots of ppl turning up. N we had testimony time. Many came to testify God. More to come. alright people of God. continue praying for CF. this is the chapter for all CF members from God. Deuteronomy 6. Read it, it's our vison for next semester. Next week we will have Bro. Dean again to speak. Praise God he said yes. Come expecting.
Venue: Room 104
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Date: 30 March 2007
Be there guys. n people, camp we have so far 63 signed up. Praise God in a week from 15 to 63. only God can do that. u ppl can still sign up, get ur frens to sign up also . pls do fast . we're looking forward for more of God in camp. so guys see u there. alright. God bless
14 Mar 2007
hey ppl!!!
Hey to the ppl out there. Come join CF camp it's gonna be tremendous. hey guys this friday we will be having a speaker from New Zealand to speak he is Pr. Joel. So guys come with the heart expecting God to move. we're gonna see thunderous power of God flowing down from heaven, touching hearts n transforming souls. So guys watcha waiting for get hold of ur frens n bring them for CF this friday.
Venue: Room 104, INTI College Subang Jaya
Time: 1pm- 3pm. be there on time. we're are gonna start on time so better be there
Date: 16th of March 07'
See u there!! God bless !!!!
8 Mar 2007
1 Mar 2007
Camp updates
hey guys as u all know that camp date is nearing n the due date for registration is also nearing. so guys better sign up don't miss it!! praise report many non christians have so far said yes. Praise God. so watcha guys doing sign up!!!
Venue: Golden Sands, Port Dickson
Date: 23rd to 26th of April
PRice: Rm 100
contact asap : Iggy - 017-6268595
Eugene- 019-3829569
God bless!!!
A msg to bless you...
hey ppl,
How was last week's CF meeting??? It's was great right!! I believe it had touched many hearts. All right this week we're gonna have a speaker also. the speaker for this friday is Pastor Alex. I believe God is gonna use him to give everyone of us a great message. Praise God. Come with expectations. God is gonna meet all ur expectations. Amen
Time: 1pm-3pm
Date: 9/3/2007
So be there guys!!! More things to catch up with u guys. we wanna see more ppl being blessed by God. God bless u
Relationship??? What do u mean by that??? Need frens??? ur gonna discover one for surely!!! Come n join cf this week, it’s gonna be great!!!!
Hey people of God, guess you all know that this Friday it’s gonna be ‘Relationship” as the main topic. Come expecting n come with an open heart, for the power of God to just take over u. We’re sure it’s gonna be great. So watcha waiting for get hold of
Date: 2nd March 2007
Time: 1-4pm
Venue: Room 104,
22 Feb 2007
Date: 23rd April to 26th April 2007
Venue: Golden Sands, P.D.Cost: Rm 110 only.
The closing date for registration is very soon. so watcha waiting for, get hold of the camp form n sign up..Further info contact through our hotline intichristianfellowship@hotmail.com or call 017-6268595 (Iggy)...................
13 Feb 2007
Hello there
Sorry yah we haven't been posting anything up so far. We were busy with lots of stuff n finally we got the time. All right we have created 2 links for CAMP N ALSO FORUM. So for the forum section it's more to open talks n stuff. so do help us in pointing out wat do u think Cf is lacking n need to be improved. Camp site is solely for camp purposes. U can contact this email add also regarding it intichristianfellowship@hotmail.com.
As u ppl now things are getting better day by day. Let's pray together for tremendous blessings of God upon CF, Inti college n also U personally.
Great to know that u ppl are viewing the CF blog. Remember CF belongs to all of us. So u have all the authority to point ur view to us. We'll be more then greatfull to get ur support.
This week is gonna be HIGH PRAISE. We're gonna have a great time praising God, so better be there. God bless!!!